Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

100 Things To Do Before Kindergarten

List of fun things to do with your child before they enter kindergarten.

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Community Connections
A list of activities to help you engage with your community in new and meaningful ways.

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Kindness Counts

Do something nice and show kindness to others! These activities are great ways to show your generosity.

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Random Acts of Kindness

Small gestures make the most difference on a daily basis. It's easy to get so preoccupied with our own lives that we forget about others, but with just one simple act of kindness, we can change the way someone else's day goes, and we can better ourselves and the world in the process. This challenge is designed for you to take the time to do something for someone else — and hopefully they will pay it forward to the next person!

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Share the Joy
Let's work together! Complete the activities below with your little one.

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